A Porcupine Named Fluffy

PorcupineNamesFluffyWe like long-lasting, classic books in our house. Stories with value that make them stand the test of time. Books that touch our hearts in such a deep way that we can’t imagine not having them on our shelves for our children (and someday, grandchildren) to read with us. But we also love little stories that are just plain fun. Stories that touch our funny bone, the ones that make us giggle out loud. I love to hear my children inform me delightedly of something that we just read together, not even concerned with the fact that I heard it the same time they did. They’re just that eager to share the silliness. A Porcupine Named Fluffy is one of those silly books that make my daughters laugh out loud every time we read it. Now that they can read it themselves, I’ll find them giggling over it and can’t help smiling to myself as I walk by.

The absurdity of being named Fluffy occurs to this young porcupine over the course of a few unfortunate events, and he begins to question what might be wrong with him to cause him to be so misnamed. Hilarity ensues as he tries time and time again to become truly fluffy. Finally he meets a new friend with an equally ridiculous name, and after a good laugh, decides that being named Fluffy isn’t so bad after all.

I’m sure you could try to find some kind of moral lesson within the pages to support teaching your children to be themselves, etc., but sometimes the best way to respond to books like these is simply to enjoy them. And I can assure you that my family enjoys this little story thoroughly. Even my son, far too young to understand why it’s funny, laughs and giggles because he sees his sisters doing so. It’s an oft-read family favorite, and I’m grateful for the chance to read it and enjoy something silly with my children. Look it up if you want a guaranteed laugh with the little kids in your life!

The Milly-Molly-Mandy Storybook

5152UH1CRcLI’m discovering that if I look hard enough, I’m able to find dozens of wonderful children’s books that have been around for decades but I somehow missed when I was a child. The Milly-Molly-Mandy Storybook by the imaginative Joyce Lankester Brisley is one of those gems. My husband’s parents gave this book to one of our daughters for Christmas last year, and the girls and I have enjoyed it tremendously.

Millicent Margaret Amanda, dubbed Milly-Molly-Mandy for short, is a little girl who lives in a pretty little thatched-roof cottage in a village of long-ago England. Her parents, grandparents, and aunt and uncle all live in the same house, along with a charming little dog. Milly-Molly-Mandy is a cheerful, dutiful little girl who wears pink and white striped dresses and delights in the adventures of everyday life. Errands to the local shops, visits to the creek to fish, and secrets and surprises among a family who truly love one another are all opportunities for Milly-Molly-Mandy and her young friends to have fun together.

I think of this as a sunny book. There are no major troubles, no issues the family can’t solve together, no fights among dear friends. It’s a very pleasant read, enjoyable for its homespun simplicity and gentle humor. My daughters and I laughed out loud during various chapters, and every day they were eager to hear another tale about the little girl with the big name.

The illustrations, also drawn by the author, are a perfect companion to the text, showcasing simple lines and pleasant scenes. Despite the lack of color, my daughters have loved every drawing, carefully examining each one to firmly imprint it in their minds.

Boys and girls will both enjoy this collection of stories about Milly-Molly-Mandy, and my own family has placed the additional tales about this little girl on our list of books to watch for! They’re a favorite in our home and will be read again and again!

The Happy Man and His Dump Truck

51VpDAO9e2L._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_My son is only two years old, but already he takes great delight in curling up on my lap with a stack of good books. He’s got several favorites among the many we’ve read together, some of which I’ve already included on this little blog. But there’s another I couldn’t possibly skip over, one I’ve read time and time again: The Happy Man and His Dump Truck.

The story line of this little book by Miryam is very simple and undoubtedly well-known to most of you, but in our house it is no less loved for its simplicity. There’s a very happy man who drives a dump truck, and whenever he sees a friend he offers a friendly wave and tips his dumper high. Over the course of the book, the happy man gives a ride to a number of different farm animals, all of which have a lovely time sliding down whenever he sees a friend.

My little man loves to listen to this story several times in a row, then run grab his own toy dump truck and miniature farm animals to act out the story on his own. He pores over the colorful pictures, making the noises for each animal he sees.

Tibor Gergely’s illustrations are especially fun for a little guy who loves action. Nearly every page shows something in motion, and the happy dump truck driver looks like a friend you’d love to meet.

This book is a favorite at my house, and I’m sure the little ones in your life would enjoy it too!